"나 진짜 망신당했어.. "를 영어로?
1. Be caught with one’s pants down : 망신당하다 예문 1) It’s important to continue researching possible risks, just so we are not caught with our pants down when something unpleasant does eventually turn up. 어떤 좋지 않은 일이 닥쳤을 때 망신당하지 않기 위해선, 가능할 법한 리스크를 계속해서 찾아보는 것이 중요하다. **turn up : 3. (기회가) (특히 우연히) 생기다 [나타나다] 예문 2) Since BOB was sleeping in his history class, he was caught with his pants down with the..
영어학습 함께해요!/생활영어 idioms & expressions
2020. 4. 7. 22:53