상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

"I'm in hot water!" 뜨거운 물 속에 있다고?


1. in no time

: 곧, 바로, 즉시 = very soon, immediately, at once


예문 1) If you do that, you will definitely improve in no time. 


예문 2) It doesn't take water to flat a car. You could be out of control in no time. 


예문 3) It is a destination that will have you relaxed in no time. 


-> in no time at all : 순식간에 = in a flash : 눈 깜짝할 사이에



2.  in the nick of time

: 아슬아슬한 때에, 꼭 알맞은 때에 = just in time


예문 1) I got here just in the nick of time driving up from Charlottesville and coming into 66, which was a parking lot. 


예문 2) The Bookmobile arrived on April 12th, just in the nick of time for the City's National Bookmobile Day celebration.


예문 3) It was sort of what we needed in the nick of time. 


-> in time : 제때에, 일찍(=early); 결국(=eventually)

-> on time : 정각에, 시간을 어기지 않고(=punctual)



3. in the long run

1. 결국, 마침내 =  in the end, finally, ultimately, at last

2. 장기적으로는


예문 1) ~And they make the systems better in the short run, but they create a problem which guarantees that the systems will be worse  in the long run. 


예문 2) He gives me some comfort; in the long run we're all dead. 



4. in a muddle / in a mess

: 어리둥절하여, 당황하여


예문 1) And when we are in a muddle, we don't think straight, we don't feel right, nothing makes sense.


예문 2) I do have a companion novel that I'm working on that follows the lives of two of the characters.

And probably more, I'm still working on it, so it's still all in my head in a muddle.



5. in a turmoil

: 혼란에 빠져있는(=in a state of agatation and upheaval)


예문 1) He stared after her in a turmoil of contradictory feelings.


예문 2) The employees will be in turmoil. 


예문 3)  Seems like there's a lot of turmoil in our government. 



6. in a jam

: 곤경에 처한


예문 1) You're likely to be pick pocketed in a jam.


예문 2) And she is at this point in her life where she's in a jam and she's stuck.


-> be caught in a traffic jam : 교통정체로 꼼짝 못하다

= be caught in traffic

= be tied up in traffic



7. be in hot water / be in deep water / get into hot water

: 곤란에 빠지다, 난처한 입장에 처하다(=get into trouble)


예문 1) Michelle Obama is in hot water, after posting this video earlier today.


예문 2) We change our behavior. We police ourselves. We're less likely to do things that society would think are sinful, or shameful, or wrong, or that might land us in hot water.



8. in a bind

: <구어> 속박되어, 곤경에 처하여(=in distress)


예문 1) I found myself in a bind for time management.







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