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"봉준호 감독의 오스카 수상"에 관한 영화 평론가 Dana Stevens의 칼럼 번역(1)

영한번역/해외칼럼 번역

by joyechoi 2020. 7. 16. 21:49


< Bong Joon-ho’s Oscar Night Had All the Genre-Bending Twists of His Movies Like Parasite,

it had suspense, sly humor, binge-drinking, and at least one tear-jerking moment. > 


FEB 10, 20204:58 PM

 - 원문 출처 : SLATE (https://slate.com/culture/movies)


The steady, *stealthy victory (of Parasite at the 2020 Oscars) was a movie in itself, complete with plot twists, drama, laughter, and tears: a thrilling *mashup of genres, just like a film by Bong Joon-ho.


2020년 오스카상에서 ‘기생충’의 꾸준하고 은밀한 승리는 영화 그 자체였으며, 플롯의 변주, 드라마, 웃음, 그리고 눈물로 완성되었다. 말 그대로 “봉준호 영화”처럼 황홀한 장르의 매쉬업이었다.


**stealthy : 살며시 [몰래] 하는, 잠행하는

**mashup : 매시업(여러 가지 자료에서 요소들을 따와 새로운 노래·비디오·컴퓨터 파일 등을 만든 것)



Even if you’d never seen Parasite—as was no doubt the case for many viewers of this year’s ceremony—it would be hard not to find yourself *rooting, by the end, for the South Korean writer-director who for the past decade and a half has been quietly becoming one of the best filmmakers in the world.


비록 당신이 - 올해 시상식의 많은 사람들도 그랬듯 - 영화 ‘기생충’을 보지 못했더라도, 지난 10년 반 동안 조용히 세계 최고의 영화 제작자 중 한 명이 된 한국의 작가 겸 감독에 대해 알아보기 위해 이리저리 파헤쳐 보는 행위를 피할 순 없을 것이다.


**root : (무엇을 찾기 위해) 파헤치다 [뒤지다] 

~ (about/around) for sth | ~ (through sth) (for sth)



The whole evening, Bong displayed an affect not often seen at the Oscars: amused but not *snarky, delighted to be there but *remaining at a certain distance from the spectacle.


시상식 저녁 내내, 봉준호 감독은 그동안 오스카 시상식에서 결코 자주 볼 수 없던 영향을 드러냈다. 분위기를 즐겼지만 비난은 삼갔고, 오스카에 있는 것을 즐거워했지만, 그 광경에서 어느 정도 거리를 둔 채 머물렀다.


**snarky : (짜증을 내며) 비난하는

**remain at a certain distance from ~ : ~에서/와 일정 거리를 두다



*Earlier on in the *sparkly slog of awards season, he was quoted in an interview calling Hollywood’s top prize a “very local” award—a *sick burn that was somehow also a perfectly neutral and true observation about the American film industry’s *complacent solipsism.


불꽃 튀는 고투의 시간인 시상식 시즌 초반에 어느 한 인터뷰에서 그는 할리우드의 최고상(오스카)을 “매우 지역적”이라고 말한 바 있다. 이는 미국 영화계가 보이는 안일하고도 극단적 형태의 ‘주관적’인 관념(솔립시즘)에 대한 완벽하게 중립적이고 참된 관찰이기도 했다.


**earlier on : 미리, 일찍부터, 사전에 ((상황·관계·기간 등의) 초기에)

**sparkly : 불꽃을 튀기는, 반짝반짝 빛나는; 생기에 찬, 활기 있는

**slog : 고투(의 시간)

**sick burn : (듣는 사람의 가슴을 후벼 파지만 정곡을 찌르는) 언급, 팩트 폭행

**complacent : 현실에 안주하는, 자기만족적인

**solipsism : 철학 -> 유아론(唯我論) : ‘솔립시즘’ - 실재하는 것은 자아뿐이고 다른 모든 것은 자아의 관념이거나 현상에 지나지 아니한다는 입장. 극단적 형태의 주관적 관념론 



Anyway, no one at the academy appears to have *taken offense. For the first time in the Oscars’ 92-year-history, a nonlocal boy has made good, taking the prizes for Best Original Screenplay, Best International Feature Film, Best Director, and Best Picture.


어쨌든 아카데미의 누구도 화가 난 것 같진 않다. 92년 오스카 역사상 처음으로 “지역적이지 않은” 남자가 최우수 각본상, 최우수 국제 장편 영화상, 최우수 감독상, 최우수 작품상을 수상하며 좋은 성적을 거둔 것을 보면 말이다.


**take offense (at) : ~에 대해 성내다, 화내다

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