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"봉준호 감독의 오스카 수상"에 관한 영화 평론가 Dana Stevens의 칼럼 번역(4)

영한번역/해외칼럼 번역

by joyechoi 2020. 7. 31. 10:00


"봉준호 감독의 오스카 수상"에 관한 영화 평론가 Dana Stevens의 칼럼 번역 네 번째

: 앞 문단 이어서 계속


Twenty minutes later, in the night’s next, big surprise, came Best Director, the one that first got even this usually Oscar-indifferent viewer’s heart beating in the unlikely hope that Parasite might take the whole thing.


20 , 놀랍게도 최우수 감독상이 찾아왔다. 최우수 감독상은 처음으로 <기생충> 모든 상을 휩쓸지도 모른다는 예상 밖의 기대 속에서 오스카 시상식에 꽤나 무관심한 시청자들의 심장까지도 뛰게 하였다.


**indifferent : 무관심한 /  좋지는 않은, 그저 그런




And here Bong’s movie-within-a-movie suddenly swerved into a tear-jerking drama, with a speech that kicked off with a quote from fellow nominee Martin Scorsese that had inspired the younger director when he was a film student: “What is most personal is most creative.”


그리고 여기서  감독의 영화 안의 영화는 갑자기 눈물을 자아내는 드라마로 바뀌었는데, 이는 그가 수상 소감으로 영화를 공부하던 학생 시절, 어린 감독이었던 자신에게 영감을 주었던 동료 후보자 마틴 스콜세지의 말을 인용하면서 시작되었다. "가장 개인적인 것은 가장 창의적인 것이다."


**swerve into : ~으로 방향을 바꾸다/틀다

**tear-jerking : (독자·관객을 울리는) 신파조의

**kick off with : ~/ 시작하다 = begin




 This humble shoutout led to an immediate and extended standing ovation for a visibly misty-eyed Scorsese, who has long made a point of championing Bong and other international filmmakers he admires (and whose masterwork The Irishman received exactly none of the 10 Oscars it was nominated for).


 겸손한 감사의 인사는 눈에 띄게 눈물이 맺힌 스콜세지에 대한 즉각적이고 장기적인 기립박수로 이어졌는데, 스콜세지는 오랫동안 봉과 그가 존경하는 다른 국제 영화인들을 옹호해왔다(그리고 그의 걸작 <아이리쉬맨>은 후보에 오른 10개의 오스카상  정확히  개도 받지 못했다).


(-> 스콜세지에 대한 겸손한 봉 감독의 감사 인사로 인해 스콜세지의 눈엔 눈물이 맺혔고, 사람들은 오랫동안 기립박수를 보냈다. 스콜세지는 오랫동안 봉 감독을 비롯한 그가 존경하는 다른 국제 영화인들을 옹호해왔다.)


**shoutout(shout-out) : 감사(환영) 표시(A positive public acknowledgement of a friend.)

**visibly : 눈에 띄게, 분명히

**misty-eyed : ( 눈물을 흘릴 것처럼) 눈이 촉촉한, 눈물이 맺힌

**make a point of doing something : 반드시/애써 ~하다 (으레 ~하다)

**champion : ~ 위해 싸우다, ~ 옹호하다

**masterwork = masterpiece : 걸작, 명작 / 일품




Bong then thanked Quentin Tarantino for supporting his films, offered kind words about their co-nominees Todd Phillips and Sam Mendes, and charmingly asked the academy for a “Texas chainsaw” so he could chop his trophy into five pieces and share it with them all.


이어  감독은 자신의 영화를 지원해  쿠엔틴 타란티노 감독에게 감사 인사를 전했고, 함께 후보에 오른 토드 필립스와  멘데스 감독에 대해 친절한 말을 건네며, 자신의 트로피를 다섯 조각으로 잘라서 모두와 공유할  있도록 아카데미 측에 '텍사스 전기톱 귀엽게 요청했다.


**charmingly : 매력적으로, 애교있게




 If you could make it through that  Best Director speech without feeling humbled yourself at the capacity of great art to connect people across cultures, languages, and generations, maybe there’s no movie that can help you.


만약 당신이 그의 연설을 듣고도 문화, 언어, 세대를 넘나들며 사람들을 연결시킬  있는 위대한 예술의 능력에 겸손한 감정을 느끼지 않고 그냥 지나칠 수 있었다, 아마도 당신을 도울  있는 영화는 없을 것이다.


**make it through : ~ 관통하다, 통과하다

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