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"봉준호 감독의 오스카 수상"에 관한 영화 평론가 Dana Stevens의 칼럼 번역(5)

영한번역/해외칼럼 번역

by joyechoi 2020. 8. 1. 19:55


"봉준호 감독의 오스카 수상"에 관한 영화 평론가 Dana Stevens의 칼럼 번역(5)


마지막 문단


If you’ve seen Parasite, you know it concludes with one last twist, a development that’s at once consistent with the whole movie’s arc and infinitely, shockingly sad.


'기생충'  적이 있다, 그것이 마지 반전으로 끝나는 것을  것이.  새로운 국면 영화 전체의 호와 동시에 일치하며 무한히, 충격적일 정도로 슬프.


**conclude : 결론[판단] 내리다 / 끝나다; 끝내다, 마치다 / (협정·조약을) 맺다 [체결하다]

**development : 발달, 성장 / (신제품의) 개발; 신개발품 / 새로이 전개된 사건[국면] / (신축 건물이 들어선) 개발지 / (주택 등의) 개발

**at once : 즉시(당장, 지체 없이) / 동시에(한꺼번에) =simultaneously

**consistent with : ~ 일치하는

**arc : , 원호 / 둥근() 모양 


The final twist of Bong’s meta-movie last night was just the opposite: a consummation devoutly to be wished, a grand slam home run, a blast of pure giddy triumph.


어젯밤 상영된  감독의 초월적 영화의 마지막 반전은 완전히  반대였다. 그것은 바로 간절히 바라던 완성, 만루홈런, 순전히 아찔한 승리의 폭발이었다.


**meta- : 1. 복합형 <위치·상태의 변화와 관련 있음을 나타냄 2.<‘ 높은’, ‘초월한 뜻을 나타냄>

**consummation : 1. (결혼식 ) 첫날밤 치르기 [성관계 맺기] / 2. 완성

**devoutly : 독실하게, 경건하게 / 충심으로, 절실히

**a grand slam home run : 만루 홈런

**pure : [주로 명사 앞에 ] (다른 것이 섞이지 않은) 순수한 / [명사 앞에만 ] 완전한, 순전한

**giddy : [대개 명사 앞에는  씀] 어지러운, / [대개 명사 앞에는  ](너무 좋아서) 들뜬 [아찔한] / [주로 명사 앞에 ] 어지럽게 [아찔하게]


Even Jane Fonda’s announcement of the results was appropriately suspenseful, with a pause for a full inhale and exhale between opening the envelope and pronouncing the title.

심지어 제인 폰다의 결과 발표조차도 봉투를 열고 타이틀 이야기하는 사이에 숨을 완전히 들이쉬고 내쉬 위해 잠시 멈추는  적절하게 긴장감 있었.


**appropriately : 적절히, 적당히

**suspenseful : 서스펜스(긴장감) 넘치는




For the first time that night, the film’s cast, beaming with delight, took the stage alongside the director whom, as has been clear throughout awards season, they both esteem and adore.

그날  처음으로,  영화의 출연진들은 기쁨 미소를 띠며, 시즌 내내 분명해졌듯, 경하고 사랑하는 감독과 함께 무대에 올랐다.


**beam : 빛줄기 / 기둥/ 활짝 웃다




Bong himself never took the mic this time, letting his producer Kwak Sin-ae give the speech, as is the custom for this category.

 감독 이번에는 마이크를 잡지 않고 곽신애 프로듀서 소감을 말하도록 했는데, 이는  부문의 관습이다.




But the presence of the cast and crew onstage brought the night’s central story to an exhilarating close as the actors, none of whom received a nomination, demonstrated the mutual support and solidarity that made them the year’s best ensemble (an award the academy doesn’t give out, but the Screen Actors Guild does, and it gave it to Parasite).


그러나 무대에  출연진과 제작진의 존재는 아무도 후보 지명을 받지 못한 기생충 배우들이 최고의 앙상블(아카데미가 주는 상은 아니지만 미국 영화배우조합(SAG) 주는 으로, 기생충 영예를 안았다)  밖에 없었던 상호 지지와 연대를 보여주면서, 그날  중심 이야기를 겨운 막으로 이끌었다. ( -> 흥겹게 마무리 짓게 했다.)


이미지   출처  : mydaily  뉴스 - 영화


**exhilarating : 아주 신나는(즐거운)

**mutual : 상호 간의, 서로 / ( 이상 사람들) 공동의, 공통의

-> mutual support and solidarity : 상호 간의 지지와 연대

**the Screen Actors Guild : (미) 영화배우조합

**the year’s best ensemble : 미국 배우조합상(SAG) 최고 영예 - 앙상블상




After the show’s producers dimmed the lights on the Parasite cast, the audience in the Dolby Theatre protested until the lights came back up—they weren’t done applauding.


아카데미 시상식 제작자들이 기생충 출연자들 향하는 불빛을 흐리게  , 돌비 극장 내내 관객들은 불이 다시 켜질 때까지 박수갈채 멈추지 않는 것으로 항의했다.


**dim : 1. (빛의 밝기가 [를]) 하다] 2. (감정 특성이)

**protest : (특히 공개적으로) 항의[반대]하다, 이의를 제기하다



The trajectory Bong’s film had traveled over the course of those 3½ hours was unexpected, it was funny, it was beautiful, and it mattered in ways that will resonate far beyond one ephemeral awards ceremony.


 감독의 영화가 3시간  동안 걸어온  예상치 못한 것이었고, 재미있었고, 아름다웠으며,  순간의 시상식  이상의 반향을 불러일으킬   점에 있어 중요했다.


**trajectory : 탄도, 궤도, 궤적

**it matters in ways that : ~라는 점에 있어서 중요하다

**resonate : (목소리·악기 등이) (깊게·낭랑하게) 울려 퍼지다 / (어떤 장소에 [가]) (소리가) 울려 퍼지다; 공명이  되다 / (… 을)하다]; (… 의) 공명을 받다 [반향을 불러일으키다]

**ephemeral : 수명이 짧은, 단명하는


What more can you ask of a movie?

 편의 영화에  이상의 무엇을  요구할  을까?



<짧은 후기>

Dana Stevens의 글은 정말 명료하지만 아름답다.

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그래도 다음번엔 '번역'을 해보기 위해 노력해야지. 

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