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"봉준호 감독의 오스카 수상"에 관한 영화 평론가 Dana Stevens의 칼럼 번역(2)

영한번역/해외칼럼 번역

by joyechoi 2020. 7. 21. 22:32


앞 번역에 이은 두 번째 문단


As Bong’s globally successful and critically acclaimed seventh film *sailed through 2019 collecting trophy after trophy, suspense began to build around the question of whether Parasite would become the first movie in a language other than English to have a real chance at winning Best Picture.


세계적으로 성공적인, 그리고 비평가들에게 호평을 받은 봉 감독의 일곱 번째 영화가 2019 순조롭게 트로피에  트로피를 쓸어 모으는 과정을 거치면서, 기생충이 과연 영어 이외의 언어로 최우수 작품상을   번째 영화가  진정한 기회를  것인 대한 궁금증을 중심으로 서스펜스는 시작되었다.


**sail through : 1. ~ (배로) 통과하다 2. ~ 무사히(순조롭게) 치르다, ~ 쉽게 넘기다/벗어나다

**build around : ~ 기반[중심]으로 ~ 만들다




The resolution to that suspense *came in a joyous four-stage catharsis in an evening that, while not without its funny and touching moments, was otherwise mainly notable for its predictability (every acting award, and nearly all of the technical ones, went to the person or film widely expected to win it).


서스펜스의 해결 달리 ‘예측가능성’으로 주목되었던 그 날 저녁에 - 재미있고 감동적인 순간들이 없었던 것은 아니지만 - 아주 기쁜  단계의 카타르시스로 밀려 들어왔다(모든 연기상, 그리고 거의 모든 기술상은 그것을 받을 것으로 널리 기대되는 인물이나 영화에 돌아갔다).


**come in : (밀물이) 밀려 들어오다




Bong’s Oscar-night movie-within-a-movie *kicked off with what was, at least to some, a surprise twist, as the director and his Parasite co-writer Han Jin-won—Bong’s 35-year-old former assistant, collaborating for the first time on a script—took the stage to accept an award in the category of Best Original Screenplay.


봉 감독을 위한 오스카의 밤은 그의 ‘영화 안의 영화’(기생충) 공동작가  진원(35세로,  감독의  조수이자 해당 작품을 통해 처음으로 함께 협업하였다)씨와 함께 무대에 올라 최우수 각본상 수상의 영예를 안는 - 적어도 일부 사람들에게는 - 놀라운 반전으로 막을 올렸다.


**kick off with : ~/ 시작하다(=begin)




His speech then was *gracious but short; for all he knew, he wouldn’t be onstage much more that night, so he thanked his cast and crew in a *rapid-fire list of names, said a few *heartfelt words (translated from Korean, like all his speeches, by interpreter Sharon Choi), and then stepped aside to let his co-writer speak while he *took in his new gold statue with the world’s most meme-able smile.


그때 그의 수상소감 품위 있고 짧았다. 봉 감독은 그날 밤  이상 무대에  일이 없을  알았 때문에, 그의 출연진들과 제작진 이름을 신속하게 이야기하며 감사를 표하고,  마디 진심 어린 말을 했다(모든 수상소감이 그랬듯 그의 통역 샤론 최에 의해 통역되었다), 그리고 나서 봉 감독이 세상에서 가장 짤로 만들기 쉬운 귀여운 미소를 띤 채 금색 트로피 들고 있는 동안, 그의 공동작가가    도록 자리를 비켜서 주었다. 


**gracious : 자애로운, 품위 있는, 우아한

**rapid-fire : <명사 앞에만 사용> 잇따라 쏘아대는, 속사포 같은

**heartfelt : 진심 어린 = sincere

**memeable : 짤로 만들기 쉬운

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