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미드 속 표현 - <sex and the city>_10화(4) "아직 모르는 거야!"

영어학습 함께해요!/미드로 영어공부

by joyechoi 2020. 10. 6. 20:18


미드 속 표현 - <sex and the city>_10화(4) "아직 모르는 거야!"


표현 1) 레이니의 출산 준비 파티에 다녀온 후 진이 빠진 캐리와 친구들. 맥주집에서 한 잔 하며 '아이를 갖는 것'에 대한 이야기를 나누는데...


- Carrie (Narration) : Beers and bar nuts at Flanagan’s off Route Five..

5 도로 플래내건에서 마신 맥주와 땅콩이

were the perfect antidote to Laney’s House of Humiliation.

레이니 집에서의 굴욕감을


**be the perfect antidote to sth
-> antidote : 1. 해독제

예문) There is no known antidote to the poison.

그 독약에는 알려진 해독제가 없다.

2. 해소 수단, 해결책

예문) A Mediterranean cruise was the perfect antidote to a long cold winter.

지중해 유람선 여행은 길고 추운 겨울에 대한 완벽한 해결책이었다.


예문) Do you happen to know what is the best antidote to laziness?

게으름을 고칠  있는 방법 혹시 아나요?

예문) They didn't fully endorse dollarization as an antidote to currency crises and economic instability.  

그들은 통화위기나 경제적 불안정의 해결책으로서 달러화를 완전히 지지하지는 않았다.


(막 화장실에 다녀온 미란다에게)

- Charlotte : Was the bathroom clean?

화장실 깨끗해?


- Miranda : What do you think?

어떨  같아?


(캐리, 사만다에게)

- Miranda : This is why I hate baby showers.

(you) Always leave feeling depressed.

 이래서 출산 준비 파티가 싫어

항상 우울해져


- Samantha : Paddy, another round.

패티,  잔씩  줘요


Well, I, for one, love my life.

  삶을 사랑해

**for one : 자신은(자기로서는)

예문) I, for one, would prefer to postpone the meeting.

나 자신은 회의를 미루는 것이 나을 것 같다.


- Samantha : And I will not be made to feel inadequate by all this baby talk.

아기 얘기를 들어도

전혀 씁쓸해지지 않아

**feel inadequate : 불충분하게 느끼다

예문) It may make people want too much, or it might make them feel inadequate when they don’t have something.

이것은 사람들이 너무 많은 것을 원하게 만들  있고, 또한 이것은 그들이 무언가를 가지지 않았을  불충분하게 느끼도록  수도 있습니다.


- Miranda : I spoke to a woman with a master’s in finance.

재무 석사학위를 가진 여자를 만난 적이 있는데

All she wanted to talk about was her Diaper Genie.

기저귀 얘기밖에  하더라

**with a master’s in : ~의 석사학위가 있다

예문) Stout graduated from Stanford University with a master's (degree) in media studies.
스타우트는 스탠포드 대학에서 미디어학 석사학위를 받았다.




표현 2) 레이니의 출산 준비 파티에서 캐리가 더더욱 심란했던 이유를 친구들에게 밝힌다. 


- Carrie : Im late.

I missed my period.

 월경이  시작했어


- Samantha : Paddy, honey, where are those beers?

맥주   주는 거야?


- Miranda : How late?

얼마나 늦어?


- Carrie : I don’t know, just a few...

Seven days.

오늘로 7일째야


- Samantha : Oh, honey, gray area.

아직   없네

**gray area : (양극 사이의) 중간 영역, 이도 저도 아닌 부분[상황]

예문) Publicity is a gray area in that firm. It is shared between the marketing and design divisions.

홍보 담당이  회사에서는 부서가 확실하지 않다. 마케팅 부문과 디자인 부문이 함께 담당하고 있다.

예문) Actually that's a bit of a gray area.

사실상 그것은 약간의 애매한 부분이다.


- Samantha : True, you’re in front of the firing squad...

과녁판 앞에  있긴 하지만

but you haven’t been shot.

아직 총을 맞은  아니네

**firing squad : 총살형 집행대

He was executed by (a) firing squad.

그는 총살을 당했다.

예문) The death penalty is usually executed by firing squad, lethal injection or hanging.

사형은 보통 총살, 독극물 주사, 또는 교수형 등으로 집행된다.

예문) The BBC has broadcast footage that allegedly shows people being publicly executed by firing squad in North Korea for trying to flee.

BBC 방송이 북한에서 탈북자들이 사격 부대에 의해 공개처형당하는 것이라고 알려진 장면을 방영했다.


- Carrie (Narration) : It’s very strange when the life you never had flashes before your eyes.

살아보지도 않은 인생이  앞을

스쳐 가는  이상한 일이다

**flash : 5. 자동사 [V + adv. / prep.] (생각이) 불현듯 들다

예문) A terrible thought flashed through my mind.

불현듯 끔찍한 생각이 내 뇌리를 스쳤다.


예문) I saw my life flash before my eyes.

나는 눈앞에서 주마등처럼 스쳐 지나가는 것을 느꼈다




표현 3) 캐리는 굳게 마음을 먹고 우선 임신테스트기를 사러 미란다와 함께 쇼핑을 간다. 


- Carrie (Narration) : Carrie Held Hostage: Day Eight.

캐리는 8일째가 되었다

Miranda and I went shopping.

미란다와 나는 같이 쇼핑을 갔다

**hostage : 인질

예문) Three children were taken hostage during the bank robbery.

그 은행 강도사건 때 세 명의 어린이가 인질로 잡혔다.

예문) He was held hostage for almost a year.

그는 거의 일 년 동안 인질로 잡혀 있었다.

예문) The government is negotiating the release of the hostages.

정부가 그 인질들의 석방을 협상하고 있다.


- Carrie : I’m on total ovary overload.

Which kind do I get?

종류가 너무 많다,  살까?

**be on overload : 과부하 걸리다

-> overload : 1.  과적하다

예시) an overloaded truck

과적 트럭

2. 너무 많이 주다[부과하다]

예문) He’s overloaded with responsibilities.

그는 부과된 책무가 과중하다.

예문) Don’t overload the students with information.

학생들에게 너무 많은 정보를 주지 않도록 하라.


3. 명사 U, sing. 지나치게 많음, 과부하

예문) In these days of technological change we all suffer from information overload.

요즘과 같은 기술 변화 시대에는 우리 모두가 지나치게 많은 정보에 시달린다.


**ovary : 명사 (pl. -ies) 1. 난소(卵巢) 2. (식물의) 씨방


- Miranda : Here. This one’s on sale, half off.

이거 , 50% 할인이래


- Carrie : Sweetie, I just spent $395 on a pair of open-toed Gucci’s last week.

 지난주에 395달러 주고 구찌 샌들을 샀어

This is not the place to be frugal.

아낄  아끼자고


- Miranda : Alright.


**frugal : 1. 절약하는

예시) a frugal existence/life 

절약하는 생활 

2. (식사가) 소박한, 간소한

예시) a frugal lunch of bread and cheese

빵과 치즈로 하는 간소한 점심 식사

예문) Susan is frugal and never squanders money on unnecessary things.

수잔은 매우 알뜰해서 불필요한 것에 절대 돈을 낭비하지 않는다.

예문) Be more frugal with how you spend money.

돈 좀 아껴 쓰세요


(캐리에게 콘돔을 하나 꺼내 주며)

- Miranda : Here’s hoping.

이걸 써봐

**here’s hoping. : <구어> ~이면 좋겠는데 = I hope...

예문) ) Here's hoping that I were a bird.

내가 새였으면 좋겠는데.

예문) Here's hoping it stays that way.  

그것이 그대로 남아 있기를 바랍니다.

- Carrie : What if I am?

정말이면 어떡해?


- Miranda : If you am, you am.

그럼 그런 거지

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