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미드 속 표현 - <sex and the city>_10화(5) "Would I somehow manage to stay me?"

영어학습 함께해요!/미드로 영어공부

by joyechoi 2020. 10. 14. 20:31


미드 속 표현 - <sex and the city>_10화(5) "Would I somehow manage to stay me?"


표현 1) 끔찍했던 레이니의 베이비샤워 파티가 끝이 난 이후, 캐리는 한통의 전화를 받는다.


- Carrie : Hello?



- Laney : It’s Laney.



I just wanted to tell you it was so great to see you guys the other day.

너희들이 와서  좋았어

**the other day : 일전에, 며칠 전에

예문) I saw your picture in the paper the other day, but it didn't look much like you.

며칠 전에 신문에서 당신의 사진을 보았는데, 실제 모습과 많이 달라 보였어요.

예문) I got a letter from Steve Innes the other day.

며칠 전에 스티브 이네스한테 편지가 왔어요.


예문) I was tied up with guests the other day and didn't get round to talking to you.

그날 손님들로 경황이 없어서 이야기를 나눌 기회가 없었습니다


- Laney : I know I was a big bitch, but you gotta know my hormones are going wild.

 못되게 굴었지?

호르몬 과다 분비 때문에 그랬어

**go wild : 미쳐 날뛰다; … 미친  열중하다; 격노하다

예문) When the rock star appeared, people went wild.

록 스타가 등장하자 사람들은 미쳐 날뛰기 시작했다.


예문) If he notices what I did, he'll definitely go wild.

내가  짓을 알게 되면 그는 틀림없이 펄쩍  것이다.

예문) The performance made the crowd go absolutely wild.

 공연은 관객들의 열광적인 반응을 이끌어 냈다.


- Laney : Seeing you made me remember how much fun we used to have.

너희를 보니까 우리가 재미있게 살던  기억나더라


- Carrie : Yeah, we did. It’s amazing how much time has gone by.

그랬지, 시간  빨라


- Laney : Tell me about it.

맞아. 너희가 그리워, 정말이야

But I miss us. I really do.


We should get together more often.

  자주 보자


- Carrie : Mm-hmm.



- Laney : But, I mean we should get together, not just say we’re going to...

뭉쳐 다니자

but really do it.

말로만 하지 말고 진짜 그러자


- Carrie : Absolutely. Listen, I’ve gotta go. I’m running late.

그래,  늦어서 나가야겠다


- Laney : Where are you off to?

어디 가는데?

**Tell me about it. : 상대방의 말에 동의할 때 쓰는 표현. "맞아" "그러니까 말이야."

**be off to : (
장소N) 떠나다 / R하러 떠나다




표현 2) 캐리가 레이니의 전화를 황급히 끊고 향한 곳은? 바로... 사만다가 주최한 '나는 아이가 없어' 파티!


- Carrie(Narration) : Faced with her own inadequacies...

사만다는 쓸쓸한 마음과 맞붙어서

Samantha did something only Samantha could do.

오직 그녀만이   있는 것을 했다

**face with : 직면하다, 맞닥뜨리다

예문) We are faced with two apparently contradictory statements.

우리는 분명히 모순되는  가지 진술을 대하고 있습니다.

예문) People can show superhuman power when faced with crisis.

사람은 위급한 상황이 닥치면 초인적인 힘을 발휘한다.

예문) Faced with a problem like this, I really don't know what (I'm supposed) to do.  

이런 문제에 맞닥뜨리고 보니 정말 어찌해야 할지를 모르겠다.


**inadequacy : 1. U 불충분함, 부적당함

예시) the inadequacy of our resources

우리 자원의 불충분함

2. U (상황 처리를 위한 능력·자신감이) 부족함, 무능함

예시) a feeling/sense of inadequacy 


3. C, 주로 복수로 약점; 부족

예시) gross inadequacies in the data

엄청난 자료 부족

예문) He had to face up to his own inadequacies as a father.

그는 아비로서 자신이 지닌 부족한 점들에 직면해야 했다.


예문) There has been an increasing awareness of the inadequacies of the judicial system.

사법 제도의 불합리한 점에 관한 인식이 점차 커지고 있다.

예문) You are faced all the time with your inadequacies, the sense of how much of life is just not in your control.

항상 부족함을 느끼고, 인생의 많은 부분이 뜻대로 되지 않는다는 것을 깨닫게 됩니다.



- Carrie(Narration) : She threw an I-don’t-have-a-baby shower...

 아이가 없어’ 파티를 연 것이다

to let everyone know she was fabulous.

자신의 근사한 모습을 보여주기 위해




표현 3) 사만다의 '나는 아이가 없어요' 파티에 만삭의 레이니가 불청객으로 등장했으니...


- Laney : Somebody get me a drink!



- Carrie : Well, I don’t know Laney, you think that’s a good idea?

마시면  되잖아?


- Laney : Fuck yeah. I’m due any day.

What’s one little drink gonna matter?


   하는  대수겠어?


Maybe it’ll help me go into labor.

분만에 도움이  거야

**go into labor : 산기(産氣) 있다

예문) My wife could go into labor any day now[very soon].

집사람이 배가 불러 오늘내일합니다



- Charlotte : What are you doing here?

What is she doing here?

 여기서  하는 거야?

 여기서  ?


- Laney : I missed you guys.

너희가 그리웠어


- Charlotte : Us?



The pathetic, live-for-the-moment New York single girls...

재클린 수잔나의 소설에 나오는

who think that life is a Jacqueline Susann novel?

가엾은 독신 여자들이?


- Laney : Look, I’m sure you get asked this all the time, but what is your problem?

  그러는  알지만

도대체 뭐가 문제야?


- Charlotte : My problem? Just that I had a dream and you killed it, in a nutshell.

 문제? (아주 간단히 말하면) 네가  꿈을 망쳐버렸잖아

**in a nutshell : 아주 간단히, 간결하게, 분명히

예문) To put it in a nutshell, we’re bankrupt.

간단명료하게 말하면, 우린 파산했어.

예문) In a nutshell, what's your sales philosophy?

간단히 말해서, 당신의 영업 철학은 뭐죠?

예문) In a nutshell, the relations between the two Koreas have been deteriorating due to the North's brinkmanship tactics and its reckless nuclear gambling.

간단히 말하면, 남북한 관계는 북한의 벼랑  전략과 무모한  도박으로 인해 악화되고 있다.




표현 4) <결혼 + 아이 = 죽음>이라고 믿는 미란다는 사만다의 파티에서 한 남자와 격렬한 키스 후에 잠시 한숨을 좀 돌린다. 

그리고 캐리의 남사친 조나단은 샬롯의 매력에 흠뻑 빠져버렸는데...


- Carrie : Well, well, well.

Look who came up for air

잠시 바람 쐬러 왔어?


- Miranda : He’s a good kisser and he’s gonna do my taxes for free.

 남자 키스도 잘하고

공짜로 회계를 해주겠대

**come up for air :  <미국·속어> 한숨 돌리다; (숨쉬기 위해) 수면으로 나오다

예문) Let's come up for air.

한숨 돌리자.

예문) It simply waits patiently next to a hole for a seal to come up for air!

구멍 옆에서 물개가 숨 쉬러 수면으로 나오기만을 끈기 있게 기다리기만 하면 돼요


- Jonathan : Hey, listen. I’ve just been talking to your friend Charlotte. She’s great.

 친구 샬롯하고 얘기했는데

정말 멋지더라

Is she seeing anybody?

지금 만나는 사람 있어?


- Carrie : Wide open


**wide open : 1. 전부[완전히] 열린, 훤히 트인

2. <·구어> (·도박·매춘 등에 대하여) 단속이 허술한 <장소 >

3. <·속어> 공격받기 쉬운, 무방비의
예문) He has laid himself wide open to political attack.

그는 자신을 정치적 공격에 무방비로 노출시켜 놓았다.


4. 결과를 예상하기 힘든, 결과를   없는

예시) a wide-open war

예측 불가능한 전쟁

예문) The race is still wide open.

 경주에서 누가 우승할지는 아직 전혀 확정적이지 않다.


5. <·속어> 전속력의


- Miranda : Just don’t mention the name Shayla.

쉐일라라는 이름만 말하지 마요


- Jonathan : I’m sorry?



- Carrie : Nothing. It’s a private joke.

Go forth and date.

그냥 우리끼리 농담이야

가서 데이트 신청해

**Nothing. It’s a private joke. : 그냥 우리끼리 농담이야.

go forth : 나가다, 출발하다, 여행을 떠나다

예문) So, please, go forth from your college careers armed with a determination to truly make our world a better place to live.

부디, 정말로 우리가 사는 세상을  살기 좋은 곳으로 만들겠다는 신념으로 무장하고서 여러분의 대학 생활로부터 앞으로 전진하세요.'




표현 5) 집에 돌아가기 싫은 레이니는 급기야 소싯적 자신의 특기, 파티에서 가슴 드러내기를 시전 하려 한다. 


- Samantha : This is at once so sad...

너무 안됐다

and the most fabulous validation I’ve ever gotten in my life.

그리고  인생 최고의 확신을 얻게 되었어

**at once : 1. 즉시[당장/지체 없이]
예문) Come here at once!
당장 이리 와!

예문) Drop everything and come at once!

모두 그만두고 당장 !

예문) All at once she lost her temper.

갑자기 그녀가 버럭 화를 냈다.

예문) If necessary I can come at once.

필요하면 내가 즉시   있어.

2. 동시에[한꺼번에] = simultaneously
예문) Don’t all speak at once!
모두 한꺼번에 말을 하지 말아요!

예문) I can’t do two things at once.

내가 두 가지 일을 동시에 할 수는 없다.

**validation : [U] 확인; 비준

예문) It’s nice to, you know, get that validation and have people watch.

남들한테 그렇게 인정받고 사람들이  주목하니까 기분이 좋던데요.



- Laney : This is weird.



I don’t think I can do this.



- A man at the party : No biggie.


**No biggie! : 별일 아니야! 걱정할  없어 = not a biggie = no big deal
예문) Just got some X-rays done. Found out it was just a hairline fracture. No biggie.
방금 X-ray 찍었는데, 뼈에 살짝 금 간 것일 뿐이래. 별거 아니래.

예문) It's no biggie.
별것도 아닌데.

**biggie : <명사, 비격식> 중요한 [사람/행사]

예문) The mistake was not a biggie.

 실수는 별일이 아니었다.


- Carrie(Narration) : Despite her best efforts to run free...

자유로워지려는 안간힘에도 불구하고

It appeared that Laney Berlin’s invisible electric fence...

레이니는 맨해튼까지 뻗어 있는

stretched all the way to Manhattan.

보이지 않는 전기 울타리에

갇혀 있었다

**run free : (동물이) 마음대로 돌아다니다; 매여[갇혀]있지 않은

예문) He let his imagination run free [wild].

그는 마음껏 상상의 나래를 펼쳤다.

예문) For many centuries, chickens were allowed to run free to find food by themselves.

수백  동안 닭은 스스로 먹을 것을 찾도록 하기 위해서 방목을 했다.

예문) Some wild horses still run free in the grasslands of the world, but most horses today are cared for and used by humans.

어떤 야생마들은 여전히 세계의 초원 지대를 자유롭게 뛰어다니지만, 대부분의 말은 오늘날 인간에 의해 사육되고 이용된다.


**stretch to : ~까지 뻗다 / ~정도까지 되다

예문) I need a new car, but my savings won’t stretch to it.

내가  차가 필요한데 모아 놓은 돈이  정도가   것이다.

예문) He can barely make his wages stretch to cover his living expenses, so he never has any spare cash.

그는 빠듯한 월급으로 생활하기 때문에 남는 돈이 없다.

예문) The badlands of North Dakota stretch to the Rocky Mountains.

 다코타 주의 황무지는 로키 산맥까지 뻗어 있다.

예문) A bird’s eye view of Vietnam’s capital city is impressive as crowded streets stretch to the horizon.

붐비는 거리들이 지평선까지 뻗어 있는 베트남의 수도 하노이를 하늘에서 바라보면 무척 인상적입니다.


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