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미드 속 표현 - <sex and the city>_11화(1) "너무 굴욕적이야."

영어학습 함께해요!/미드로 영어공부

by joyechoi 2020. 11. 13. 20:36


미드 속 표현 - <sex and the city>_11화(1) "너무 굴욕적이야."


상황) 캐리는 미스터 빅과 많은 밤을 함께 보내며, 글자 그대로 그저 "잠을 잘 수 있는" 사이가 되었다. 

마음이 편해지면 몸도 편해지고, 몸이 편해지면 마음도 편해지는 법. 미스터 빅과 함께 누워있던 와중에 방귀가 나와버린 캐리...!


- Carrie (Narration) : But if you ever actually do manage to get someone in bed...
하지만 특별한 사람과 함께 침대를 쓰게 되면
the real fun begins.
진짜 재미가 있다

**manage to R : (용케, 어떻게든) 해내다, 성공하다

예문) How did you manage to persuade him?

 어떻게 용케도 그를 설득했니?


예문) How do you manage to stay so slim?

당신은 어떻게 그렇게 날씬한 몸매를 유지하세요?


예문) Can his lordship manage to switch off the TV?  

잘난 나리께서 TV   주시겠수?


예문) If he doesn’t manage to convince them, it won’t be for want of trying.

그가 그들을 납득시키지 못한다 하더라도 그가 그렇게 하려는 노력이 부족해서 그런 것은 아닐 것이다.


- Carrie (Narration) : After sleeping together for many weeks...
많은 주를 함께 보낸 후에

Mr. Big and I had gotten comfortable enough to really sleep together.
우리는 정말 함께  정도로 편해졌다

**get comfortable : 편해지다

예문) You see, it takes a while to get comfortable with someone.

너도 알다시피, 어떤 사람과 편해지기 위해서는 시간이  걸려.

예문) Comfortable sleeper seats provide plenty of room to spread out and get comfortable, and recline to a fully flat position on many of our aircraft.

편안한 침대형 좌석은 보다 안락하게   있는 공간을 드리며, 대부분의 항공기에서 좌석을 완전히   있도록 설계되어 있습니다.


- Carrie : Oh, my God. I was mortified.
창피해서 미치겠어요 / 굴욕적이에요

**mortify : [주로 수동태로] (mor·ti·fies, mor·ti·fy·ing, mor·ti·fied, mor·ti·fied)
굴욕감을 주다; 몹시 당황하게 만들다

예문) She was mortified to realize he had heard every word she said.

그녀는 자신이 한 말을 그가 모두 다 들었다는 것을 깨닫고 몹시 당황했다. 


예문) I was mortified to think that he had stood me up.

그가 바람 맞힌 것을 생각하니 분했다 / 굴욕적이었다


- Carrie (Narration) : I tried to lose myself in work,
but every time I stopped for a second to think...
일에 집중하려고 했지만

잠시만 생각을 멈춰도

**lose oneself in : ~ 열중하다 = become absorbed in

예문) When I sing I feel at ease, I lose myself in the music and my soul shines through. 
노래를 부르면 마음이 편안해지고 음악에  빠져 영혼이 빛난다.

- Carrie (Narration) : I'd relive my hell all over again.
 지옥의 소리가 다시 울려 퍼졌다

**relive : ( 상상 속에서) 다시 체험하다

예문) He relives the horror of the crash every night in his dreams.

그는 매일 밤 꿈속에서 그 충돌 사고의 공포를 다시 체험한다.

예문) The psychoanalyst encouraged him to relive his primal experiences.

그 정신분석 학자는 그의 최초의 경험들을 기억해 내도록 했다.

예문) Also, adults are able to relive their memories of high school as well.

또한 성인들도 그들의 고등학교 생활에 대한 기억을 돌이켜   있을 것이다.

예문) Either way SM Entertainment plans to have U-Know and Max form a duo and relive the band's glory days.

어느 쪽이든 SM 엔터테인먼트는 유노윤호와 최강창민이 2인조를 결성해 동방신기의 영광스러운 날들을 다시 찾을 계획이다.



- Carrie (Narration) : The next day, I realized how childish I was behaving.
다음날 내가 얼마나 유치하게 굴었는지 깨닫고

I decided to stop avoiding the situation and take the grown-up approach -
성숙한 모습으로 상황을 수습하기로 했다

complete and utter denial.
침착하게 그리고 의연하게

 **utter denial : 단호한 부인, 부정

**take the grown-up approach : 성숙하게 접근하다 (어른의 면모를 보이다)

-> grown-up

1. (사람이)  , 장성한, 어른[성인] 

예문) What do you want to be when you’re grown-up?

넌 크면 뭐가 되고 싶니?

예문) She has a grown-up son.

그녀는 장성한 아들이 있다.


2. 성인[어른]에게 맞는

예문) The child was clearly puzzled at being addressed in such a grown-up way.

그렇게 어른을 대하듯 말을 걸어오는 것에 그 아이는 표가 나게 어리둥절해했다.







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