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정치 용어&표현 - 미국 대선 관련


by joyechoi 2020. 10. 20. 21:09


Senior voters shift away from Trump and closer to Biden

트럼프 지지하던 노인들, 바이든으로 돌아섰다

Updated: 2020-10-19 09:59:32 KST 

**shift away from : ~로부터의 변화



With two weeks to go until the U.S. presidential election, elderly members of the electorate 65세 이상 유권자 appear to be having second thoughts,.. as many disapprove of the way the pandemic is being handled in the nation. 트럼프 대통령의 코로나19 대응에 대한 불만 반영된 이라고 분석했다.


**electorate : 유권자

**have second thoughts (about) : …에 대해서 다시 생각해 보다 / 마음을 바꾸다 

**disapprove : 탐탁찮아[못마땅해] 하다 (↔approve) -> disapproval : 반감, 못마땅함




The Wall Street Journal on Sunday highlighted shifting political preferences 정치적 선호도 변화 among seniors, with older voters more inclined to support the Democratic nominee Joe Biden. 조 바이든 민주당 대선후보 




This shift is worthy of note as Republicans have typically been favored by the elderly in the last four presidential elections.(2004 이래) 네차례 대선에서 공화당의 손을 들어줬던 노년층 유권자


**worthy of note : 중요한, 주목할 만한 가치가 있는




According to this year's Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll WSJ NBC 공동 여론조사에서 of elderly voters aged 65 and up, U.S. President Donald Trump is trailing Biden by 10-percentage points.트럼프 대통령의 전체 지지율은 바이든 후보에게 10%포인트 뒤처진 것으로 나타났다.


**trailing : 질질 끌리는




This is a stark contrast to the poll held 4 years ago, when Trump won the seniors by 7-percentage points, against the then Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. (2016년) 대선 당시 트럼프 대통령의 65 이상 유권자 지지율은 힐러리 클린턴 당시 후보를 7%포인트 앞섰다.


**stark : (차이가) 극명한




The Wall Street Journal has noted the demographics of the battlefield states as one of the main reasons behind the shift. WSJ 바이든 후보와 트럼프 대통령 지지율 격차  이유를 경합주에서의 65세 이상 인구 비중 전국 평균보다 높기 때문이라고 분석했다.

Currently, the share of people aged 65 and up is larger than the national average in the most competitive states.




According to recent polls, the state with the nation's oldest voters, Maine, showed the greatest shift towards the Democratic candidate with 12-points, compared with the previous vote in 2016. 여론조사에 따르면 실제로 노인층 비중이 전국에 가장 높은 메인주의 경우, 지난 대선과 비교해 12%포인트가 민주당으로 이동한 것이다.




With this move, Biden is currently leading Trump by 15-percentage points in Maine. 바이든 후보와 트럼프 대통령간 지지율 격차는 15%포인트로 나타났다.




Trump's weakened position comes as senior citizens, who are also among the most vulnerable to the pandemic, are criticizing his handling of COVID-19. 노년층 유권자가 민주당으로 돌아선 이유를 두고 WSJ 트럼프 대통령의 코로나19 대응에 대한 불만 반영된 것이라고 분석했다.




Meanwhile, the final presidential debate is set to take place on Thursday 9 P.M. Eastern time for 90 minutes.

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