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정치 용어&표현 - 이건희 삼성그룹 회장 별세


by joyechoi 2020. 10. 27. 19:46


Samsung's rise under late Lee Kun-hee's leadership

Updated: 2020-10-26 10:01:09 KST


Samsung Group chairman Lee Kun-hee died early Sunday at the age of 78. 이건희 삼성그룹 회장이 25일 일요일 오전 숙환으로 별세했다. 향년 78세다.



He's widely credited as being the driving force behind the tech giant's spectacular global expansion. 이건희 회상은 삼성전자를 글로벌 테크 거인으로 변모시킨 주역으로 널리 알려져 있다.


**the driving force behind sth : sth의 주역




In 1987, at the age of 45, Lee inherited the Samsung crown after the passing of his father Lee Byung-chul, who founded the company. 1987  45세의 나이로 창업주 부친 이병철 회장의 별세  2 회장으로 삼성그룹을 이끌었다.



At that point, Lee vowed to make Samsung strong through innovation. (과거)그 시점에서  회장은 혁신을 통해 삼성 강하게 만들겠다고 다짐했다.



"I will develop Samsung into a world-class company through challenging and future-oriented management." "미래지향적이고 도전적인 경영을 통해 (90년대까지는) 삼성을 세계적인 초일류 기업으로 성장시킬 것입니다."



In 1993, Lee gathered a group of Samsung executives in Frankfurt to guide them through the corporation's future path. 1993년, 이 회장은 근본적 변혁을 촉구하고자 삼성전자 임원들을 독일 프랑크푸르트에 소집했다. 




Known as the Frankfurt Declaration, he demanded major reforms, saying everything must change, except for his employees' wives and children. 프랑크푸르트 (신경영) 선언으로 알려진 1993년 6월 당시, 이 회장은 '마누라와 자식으로 빼고  바꾸라'며 대대적인 개혁을 요구했다.




He also stressed the need for quality over quantity. 그는 또한  위주 경영의 악순환 고리를 끊고 질을 중심으로 양이 조화를 이루는 선순환의 경영구조를 실현하겠다고 선언했다.


**stress the need for : ~에 대한 필요성을 강조하다




This was one of his key management philosophies pushing Samsung forward but it wasn't easy. '질 경영'은 삼성을 추진하는/밀어붙이는 그의 핵심 경영 철학  하나였지만, 결코 쉽지 않았다.



To ensure Samsung became synonymous with quality, Lee ordered a bonfire be built to burn 20 million dollars' worth of defective goods to show the company was determined to make quality its over-riding goal. 삼성이 품질과 동의어가   있도록,  회장은 삼성이 품질을 그들의 최우선순위 목표로 둔다는 굳은 결심을 보여주기 위해 무려 2,000만 달러 상당의 불량품을 모두 태우는 화형식을 지시했다. 


cf> 1994  삼성전자 휴대폰(애니콜) 불량률이 11.8% 달하며 소비자 불만이 커지자  회장은 충격 요법을 결심한다. 1995 3 구미사업장에 불량 휴대폰  150억원 규모의 수거된 제품 15만 대를만대를 쌓고 불태워버렸다. 당시 불량제품에 불을 붙이면서 ‘애니콜 화형식이라고도 불렸다/삼성전자


**overriding : [명사 앞에만 씀] 다른 무엇보다 더 중요한, 최우선시되는

예시) the overriding factor/consideration/concern 

다른 무엇보다 더 중요한 요소/고려 사항/우려 사항




Under Lee Kun-hee's leadership, Samsung blossomed into one of the world's biggest and most well-known tech companies.

건희 회장의 리더십 하에, 삼성은 세계에서 가장 크고 유명한 기술 기업  하나 꽃을 피웠다.



During his three decades as chairman, Samsung Group gained worldwide brand recognition, becoming the leading global player in industries such as TVs, smartphones, and semiconductors. 회장으로서 약 30년간 삼성그룹은 글로벌 브랜드로 부상했으며  TV, 스마트폰, 반도체 같은 산업에서 전 세계 최대의 선두 주자가 되었다. 




원문 출처 : 아리랑 뉴스 



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