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(영/한) 아시아계 미국인들의 인종차별 반대 운동사(2)


by joyechoi 2020. 10. 31. 13:46


One Korean American's Reckoning

아시아계 미국인들의 인종차별 반대 운동사


July 29, 202012:04 AM ET


원문 출처 : (영) NPR News (한) 뉴스페퍼민트


앞 문단 이어서


On the origins of Asian American organizing:

아시아계 인종차별 반대 운동의 기원

"Arguably, the roots of what we know today as Asian-American activism begins around the same time as the Black American civil rights movement in the '60s. That's when we see it gain a lot of traction.

아시아계 운동 역시 흑인들의 민권 운동 시작된 60년대에 본격적으로 시작된 것으로   있습니다. 

 그때 우리는 그것이 많은 관심을 얻는 것을 보게 되죠..


**traction : 끌기, 견인; 견인력


I also think you could say that Asians have been organizing since their arrival in this country in the 1800s.

하지만 1800년대에 미국에 도착하면서부터 조직의 역사가 시작되었고도 주장할  있죠.




You definitely saw Chinese Americans and Punjabi folks and Sikh folks really push back against racism in the United States since arriving here. 

중국계, 인도 펀자브 지역에서  이민자, 시크교도들은 미국 들어온 순간부터 인종차별에 맞서 싸웠죠.


**push back : 반발하다, 맞서다, 밀치다




There were also these big Supreme Court cases about race, like United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind, which really helped us understand the way that whiteness is policed in America.

<United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind(인도 시크교도 남성 이름)> 사건처럼 인종에 관한 굵직한 대법원 판결 있었는데, 이것은 우리가 미국에서 백인의 권위가 경찰 등의 힘에 의해 지켜지는지 대한 방식을 이해하는  많은 도움이 되었습니다.


**police : 1. (경찰, 군대 등이) 치안을 유지하다

예문) The border will be policed by UN officials.

 국경은 유엔 직원들이 치안을 유지할 것이다.


2. (위원회 등이) (규칙 준수를) 감시하다 = regulate

예문) The profession is policed by its own regulatory body.

 직종에서는 자체 관리 기관의 감시를 받는다.


<롱맨 영영사전 definition>_ Law :

1. to keep control over a particular area in order to make sure that laws are obeyed and that people and property are protected, using a police or military force 

예문) The army was brought in to police the city centre.


2. to control a particular activity or industry by making sure that people follow the correct rules for what they do 

예문) The agency was set up to police the nuclear power industry.




Asian Americans have always thought of ourselves as a community that is also oppressed by white supremacy. 

아시아계는 언제나 백인우월주의의 피해자로 스스로를 인식해왔습니다.




So if you look at famous activists like Grace Lee Boggs or Yuri Kochiyama, what you see is there are long histories of them experiencing white supremacy in their own lives: of internment, of anti-Chinese racism.

그레이스  복스(Grace Lee Boggs) 유리 고치 야마(Yuri Kochiyama) 같은 유명 활동가들 떠올리면, 반중국 정서라든지 2차대전 당시의 일본계 수용소 같은 아시아계 차별의 역사들을 실감할 수 있습니다. 


**internment : [U] 유치, 억류, 수용; 억류 기간




These experiences are often, for a lot of communities, the bedrock of anti-racist organizing. It's because we know what it feels like. It's because we know what it looks like."

그러한 경험을 통해 아시아계는 인종주의를 실감하게 되었고, 반인종주의 운동(인종차별반대운동) 기반이 되었습니다.


**bedrock : 기반()

**anti-racist : 1. [Adjective] opposed to racism 2. [Noun] one who is opposed to racism



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