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(영/한) 아시아계 미국인들의 인종차별 반대 운동사(1)


by joyechoi 2020. 10. 29. 19:58


One Korean American's Reckoning

아시아계 미국인들의 인종차별 반대 운동사


July 29, 202012:04 AM ET


원문 출처 : (영) NPR News (한) 뉴스페퍼민트


As protests continue in cities across the U.S., people have hit the streets to protest systemic racism and police brutality. Many Asian Americans have joined in that action, but are also trying to figure out how they fit into the larger national conversation about racism.

미국 전역에서 경찰 폭력(만행)과 제도적 인종주의에 항의하는 시위가 이어지면서, 아시아계 미국인들도 이와 같은 행도에 동참하고 있습니다. 동시에 인종차별을 둘러싼 전 사회의 대화에 아시아계의 목소리가 어떻게 들어가야 하는지 고민하는 이들도 많아졌습니다.




Some are protesting for the first time ever. Others are confronting their own anti-Blackness and that within their communities. (On this episode, we spoke to a young Korean American man who falls into that category.) Then, of course, there are the people who have been organizing and demonstrating for years.

난생처음으로인종차별이라는 것에 항의해본 사람들도 있고, 아시아계 커뮤니티 내의 () 흑인 정서를 직시하는 사람들도 있습니다. 물론 이미 인종차별 반대 운동에 오랫동안 헌신해 온 아시아계 있죠.




A recent Gallup poll found that Asian Americans are more likely to say they support and feel connected to the recent protests than any other ethnic groups apart from Black people. And after Black folks, Asian Americans were also the most likely to say that the protests have changed their views on racial justice.

갤럽에서 실시한 최신 여론조사에 의하면 최근의 시위를 지지하고 공감하는 이들의 비율은 흑인 집단을 제외하면 아시아계 미국인들 사이에서 가장 높습니다. 이번 시위를 통해 인종 정의에 대한 자신의 시각이 바뀌었다 대답한 비율도 아시아계에서 흑인 다음으로 높았습니다.


**ethnic groups : 인종 집단

**Black folks = Black people




And though there's an energized push of Asian Americans being involved in and vocally supporting Black Lives Matter protests, the history of this group's organizing for racial justice isn't new. Kim Tran, an anti-racist consultant who is writing a book about interracial coalitions, spoke to us about that long history. Below is an excerpt of what she told us, which has been condensed and edited for clarity.

이번을 계기로 “흑인의 목숨은 중요하다(Black Lives Matter) 운동 적극적으로 참여하긴 했지만, 아시아계가 인종차별에 항의한 운동의 역사는 짧지 않습니다. 인종문제 컨설턴트이자 인종  연대 관한 책을 쓰고 있는  트랜 씨가  역사를 간략하게 소개합니다.


**vocally : 구두로, 강경하게(소리높여)(말하며)

**interracial coalitions : (다른) 인종 간의 연대

**excerpt : (글·음악·영화 등의) 발췌[인용] (부분)

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