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(영/한) 저널리즘의 역할은 판단하는 것이 아니라 보도하는 것입니다(1)


by joyechoi 2020. 11. 16. 18:27


Opinion: Report On Racism, But Ditch The Labels 

July 17, 201912:01 AM ET

[칼럼] 저널리즘의 역할은 판단하는 것이 아니라 보도하는 것입니다


원문 출처 : (영) NPR News (한) 뉴스페퍼민트




Editor's note: NPR made the decision, this week, to call President Trump's tweets about a group of Democratic congresswomen, "racist."


편집자주: NPR 보도국은 이번 , 민주당 여성 의원들 대한 트럼프 대통령의 트윗을 인종차별적(racist)”이라고 보도하기로 결정했습니다.

**Democratic congresswomen : 민주당 여성 의원들

**call A B : A를 B라고 부르다, 칭하다 / 이름을 지어주다


On this week's Code Switch podcast we discuss why the word "racist" was used in this instance with NPR's Standards and Practices Editor, Mark Memmott.


We also invited NPR's VP of Newsroom Diversity and Training, Keith Woods, onto the podcast.


He argues that it is the job of the public, not journalists, to make this type of characterization. Read his opinion piece, below. (NPR's newsroom has not changed its view on this issue and will continue referring to President Trump's tweet as racist. )


특정 인물이나 행위에 “인종주의라는 직접적인 딱지를 붙이지 않고 다양한 유사 표현을 사용해온 경향에서 벗어난 결정이었죠.

그러나 NPR 내부의 의견은 여전히 분분합니다.

보도국의 다양성과 기자 교육을 담당하고 있는 키스 우즈(Keith Woods) 여전히 이런 식의 판단(묘사, 정의)은 독자에게 맡겨야 한다 주장합니다. (보도국은 결정을 번복하지 않았지만, 칼럼을 통해 우즈의 소수 의견을 전하기로 했습니다.)

**in this instance
: 이 경우에

**characterization : 2. <격식> 묘사, 정의



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