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(영/한) 아시아계 미국인들의 인종차별 반대 운동사(6)


by joyechoi 2020. 11. 6. 20:33


One Korean American's Reckoning

아시아계 미국인들의 인종차별 반대 운동사


July 29, 202012:04 AM ET


원문 출처 : (영) NPR News (한) 뉴스페퍼민트


앞 문단 이어서


On anti-Blackness among Asian Americans

아시아계 커뮤니티의 반흑인 정서에 대하여


"Anti blackness is actually a part of Asian-American racial formation in a ton of ways. 

반흑인 정서는 아시아계의 정체성에서 여러 의미로 일부분을 차지하고 있습니다.


-> 직역 : 반흑인 정서는 사실 아시아계 미국인의 “인종 형성  부분이다.


**a ton of = tons of : 엄청난, 심한 / 많은 - <google results> a lot of something; a large amount of something.

**racial formation : 인종 형성 




The model minority myth is a way that we [are defined] and define ourselves as definitively not black.

특히 “모범적인 이민자” 신화 우리가 흑인들과는 다르다고 선을 긋는 방식 가운데 하나죠.


**model minority : <google results> A model minority is a minority demographic (whether based on ethnicity, race or religion) whose members are perceived to achieve a higher degree of socioeconomic success than the population average, thus serving as a reference group to outgroups.




And that is anti-Blackness within our community. On an individual level, you'll see things like Asian parents who say don't bring home a Black person. And structurally, you'll see things like in the education system, Asian-Americans are expected to know the answers to questions and black students aren't.

개인적인 차원에서도 아시아계 이민자 부모가 집에 흑인 친구를 데려오지 말라고 하거나, 이런 일을 흔히 접할 수 있어요. 구조적인 차원에서도 학교에서 학업적인 성취에 있어 아시아계에 대한 기대는 높고, 반대로 흑인들에 대한 기대는 낮습니다.




There are some realities to being Asian-American, and that is that we are perpetual foreigners in this country and that aspirational whiteness is granted to a lot of East and Northeast Asians.

우리가 미국에서 영원히 이방인 취급을 받는다 것, 이것이 아시아계 처한 현실입니다. 동아시아, 동북아시아인들에게는 백인의 지위를 끊임없이 지향하는 포지션이 주어집니다.


-> 직역 : 아시아계 미국인이 되는 에는  가지 현실이 있는데, 그것은 바로 우리가  나라(미국)에서 영원한 외국인이고, 많은 동양인과 동북아시아인들에게 열망적인 백인 정서가(백인이 중심이 된 주류사회에 편입할 수 있다고 믿는 것) 부여된다는 것이다.


**~, and that is that : 그리고 그것은() 바로 그것이다(that이하이다)




So it seems like that's available to us — at least it did before the coronavirus really took place. It seems like whiteness was accessible and possible for a lot of us. Some folks are really comforted by that, because it's this white supremacist idea that you could claim the racial ladder and climb the racial hierarchy."

백인성 우리가 획득할  있는 것처럼 여겨지죠. 일부 아시아계는  사실에서 위안을 얻기도 합니다. 왜냐하면 백인 우월주의 속에서 우리가 인종의 사다리를 타고 올라가 우월적인 지위를 획득할 가능성이 열려있는 것이니까요.


-> 직역 : 그래서 그것이 우리에게 가능할 것처럼 보인다 -적어도 코로나바이러스가 실제로 발생하기 전에는 그랬었다. / 백인 정서(동일시) 접근할  있었고 많은 사람들에게 가능했다. / 어떤 사람들은 그것에 의해 정말로 안심을 하는데, (위안을 얻는데,) 왜냐하면 그것은 당신이 인종적 사다리를 올라 인종적 위계에 올라갈 수 있다는 백인 우월주의자의 생각이기 때문이다.


**white supremacist : 백인 우월론자(우월주의자)

**claim : 5. 얻다, 차지하다

예문) She has finally claimed a place on the team.

그녀는 마침내  팀에서 자리를 확보했다.



On what's next for Asian Americans 다음 단계는?


"Asian Americans are a deeply political group of folks in this country.

아시아계 미국인들은 매우 정치적인 집단입니다.




 We participated in the fight for civil rights in the 60s. Asian Americans were a part of what Cesar Chavez did.

60년대 민권운동에도 참여했고, 전미농장노동자협회를 결성한 세자르 차베즈의 운동에도 동참한 역사가 있습니다.




And this moment, (as hard as it may seem, and as new as it may seem for some), is actually connected to a much longer legacy. So, you know, we're doing this with history at our backs, and that's really exciting. I encourage folks to keep that in mind, especially when it gets hard."

가시화되어있지 않지만 지금의 운동은 훨씬   전통 일부입니다. 그러니까, 역사를 등 뒤에 두고 나아가는 중인 거죠.힘들 때 특히  점을 상기해야  것입니다.


**legacy : 1. (죽은 사람이 남긴) 유산

예문) They each received a legacy of $5,000.

그들은 각각 5 000달러의 유산을 받았다.

2. (과거의) 유산

예문) Future generations will be left with a legacy of pollution and destruction.

미래 세대는 공해와 파괴라는 유산을 물려받게 될 것이다.


**at one’s back(s) : 등 뒤에 갖다 두다 / 등 뒤에 있다

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