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미드 속 표현 - <sex and the city>_9화(2) "자꾸 선을 넘네?"


표현 1) 친구 브룩의 결혼식에 갔다가 듣기 싫은 소리만 잔뜩 듣고 온 캐리.

자꾸 선을 넘네???


- Brooke : It’s always better to marry someone who loves you more than you love them.

네가 사랑하기보다는

 사랑하는 남자와 결혼해


- Carrie (Narration) : People are always telling me things I don’t want to hear.

사람들은 내가 듣기 싫은 말만 한다


- Carrie (Narration) : But this one crossed the line.

하지만 이번 것은 선을 넘었다


**cross the line : 정도를 넘다

예문) Don’t cross the line.

남의 일에 간섭하지 마세요.


예문) But still, the North continues to cross the line.

하지만, 북한은 여전히 터무니없는 행동을 하고 있다.




표현 2) 결혼이 도대체 뭘까? 궁금해진 캐리는 답을 구해보고자 미스터 빅에게 전화를 걸지만 충격적인 이야기만 듣는다.


- Carrie : Hey, did I wake you?

안녕, 내가 깨웠어?


- Mr.Big : Not at all.



- Carrie : Question. Why do people get married if they’re not in love?

질문,  사람들은 사랑하지 않는 사람하고 결혼하는 걸까?




- Carrie : Now you’re just a fool.

지금도 바보야


- Mr.Big : Exactly. Which is why I’m never getting married again.

맞아, 그래서  다신 결혼하지 않을 거야


- Carrie (Narration) : I hung up the phone wondering...

결혼  한다는 남잘 만나야 하나

could I date a man who would never get married?

고민하며 전화를 끊었다




표현 3) 다신 결혼하지 않을 거라는 미스터 빅의 이야기를 듣고 왠지 충격에 휩싸인 캐리는 친구들을 만난다. 

"야, 너무 실망스러운 일 아니야?"


- Charlotte : Am I the only one who thinks this is a major bummer?

정말 바보 같다고 생각하는  나뿐이야?


**a bummer : <비격식> 실망(스러운 ) ->  unpleasant or annoying

예문) It’s a real bummer that she can’t come.

그녀가  온다니 정말 실망이다.


- Charlotte : What if you spend five years with him and in the end you have nothing to show for it?

5년이나 만났으면서 내세울  하나도 없다니


**what if : … 면 어떻게 될까]?

**show for : … 의 결과를 보여 주다(=have as a result of)


- Carrie : I wasn’t even thinking about getting married until he told me I couldn’t think about.

And so now I can think about.

그가 말하기 전까진 결혼 생각을  했어

근데 이제  생각만 들어


- Samantha : Just be cool. You don’t care.

침착해, 초연한 척해


Then he’ll wonder why you don’t...

네가 원하지 않는 척하면

which will make him realize that he does, and then it’s a whole new ball game.

그가 원하게 


**a (whole) new/different ball game : 완전히 다른[새로운] 사태 / a completely different kind of situation


- Charlotte : I think that a relationship has to be based on honesty and communication if it has any chance of succeeding.

정직과 대화에 기초한 관계만이 성공할  있어


**have chance of : ~ 가망/확률이 있다


- Samantha : Okay. If you were 25, that would be adorable...

25살일 때야 깜찍하지만

32살에 그러면 바보야

but you’re 32 now, so that’s just stupid.


- Miranda : What’s the big deal? In 50 years, men are gonna be obsolete anyway.

뭐가 대수야? 50년만 지나면

남자는 쓸모 없어져


**obsolete :  이상 쓸모가 없는, 한물간, 구식의

예시) obsolete technology

한물간 기술


예문) With technological changes many traditional skills have become obsolete.

과학 기술 변화로 인해 많은 기능들이 쓸모가 없어졌다.


- Miranda : I mean already you can’t talk to them, you don’t need them to have kids with...

수다  때도 필요 없고

 낳을 때도 필요 없어


**have kids with : ~ 아이를 낳다




표현 4) "토끼" 바이브레이터를 사용하고 신세계를 맛본 미란다, 무시하는 친구들에게 미란다는 말한다. 

"지금 그렇게 얘기하지? 네가 아직 "토끼"를 못 만나서 그래!!!"


- Carrie : I’m not gonna replace a man with some battery-operated device.

 남자 대신 배터리로 작동하는 기계를 쓰진 않을 거야


- Miranda : You say that, but you haven’t met “the Rabbit”

네가 ‘토끼  만나서 그래


- Samantha : If you’re gonna get a vibrator, at least get one called “the Horse”

기와  거면 ‘종마 

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