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미드 속 표현 - <sex and the city>_9화(5) "이제 정말 질렸어."

영어학습 함께해요!/미드로 영어공부

by joyechoi 2020. 9. 13. 21:28


미드 속 표현 - <sex and the city>_9화(5) "이제 정말 질렸어."


표현 1) 함께 요가 수업을 듣는 캐리와 샬롯. 샬롯은 미란다로부터 알게 된 '토끼' 바이브레이터의 위대함을 캐리에게 전한다.


- Carrie (Narration) : My Zen teacher once told me that there was nothing like yoga to quiet a busy mind.

 사부님이 마음을 가라앉히는 

요가가 최고라고 말했다

**quiet : 특히  조용 [잠잠] 해지다;조용히 시키다, 진정시키다 = calm sb down

예문) The demonstrators quieted down when the police arrived.

경찰이 도착하자 시위자들이 조용해졌다.

예문) He’s very good at quieting the kids.

그는 아이들을 조용히 시키는  아주 능하다.


- Charlotte : I think I broke my vagina.

질이 찢어지는  알았어

- Carrie : Sorry. Am I pulling too hard?

미안, 너무 세게 잡아당겼니?

**vagina : 


- Charlotte : No, no, no. Metaphorically, I mean.

With the Rabbit.

아니, 말이 그렇다는 거야

 토끼 말이야

**metaphorically : 은유로, 비유적으로

예문) It is certainly true in its literal sense, however it also applies metaphorically.

 속담은   자체로도 맞는 말이지만, 상징적인 면에서도 맞는 말이야.


- Carrie : So you’ve been using it.

그거 써봤어?

- Charlotte : Yes.





표현 2) 문득 캐리에게 저녁 약속에 함께 가지 못한다고 어설프게 말하는 샬롯. 거짓말이다... 중독의 냄새가 난다...


- Charlotte : I got to cancel on the ballet tonight.

 오늘 발레  

- Carrie : Why?



- Charlotte :I’m expecting a phone call...

일이 있어...

Long distance phone call, transatlantic.

저기... 전화  거야

장거리 전화

**transatlantic : 
1. 대서양 횡단의 
대서양 연안 국가들의
예시) a transatlantic alliance
대서양 연안 국가들 간의 [대서양을 가로지르는] 동맹
3. 대서양 건너편의 [건너편으로부터의]
예시) to speak with a transatlantic accent
대서양 건너편(유럽·영국에서  미국 또는 미국에서  유럽·영국) 어투로 말하다


- Carrie (Narration) : Charlotte could never tell a decent lie.

샬롯은 거짓말이 서툴다

I know an addict when I saw one.

중독된  뻔했다

**tell a lie : 거짓말하다 <-> tell the truth

cf> i tell a lie : , 그게 아니라 [내가 말을 잘못 했다](자신이 방금  말이 틀렸음을 나타냄)

예문) We first met in 1982, no, I tell a lie, it was 1983.

우리는 1982년에 처음 만났어. 아니 그게 아니라 1983년이었어.

예문) He is not a man to tell a lie. or He is incapable of [above] telling a lie.

그는 거짓말할 사람이 아니다.




표현 3) 샬롯에게 바람맞은 캐리는 게이 친구 스탠퍼드와 함께 발레 공연 Sleeping Beauty를 보고 나온다. 


- Carrie : It’s so romantic!

너무 낭만적이야


- Stanford : You only like it because she gets to sleep for 100 years, and she doesn’t age.

공주가  년을 자도 나이를

먹지 않아서 좋아하는 거잖아


- Carrie (Narration) : I invited Stanford to the ballet.

I knew he was available.

 스탠포드와 발레를 봤다

그는 현재 애인이 없었다


- Carrie : Stanford, cute, huh?

저것 , 귀엽다


-Stanford : I've had it with the whole gay scene.

게이 바닥은 이제 질렸어

It’s so competitive.

경쟁이 너무 심해

**i’ve had it : 더는  참아 / 이젠 싫다 / 질렸다, 지긋지긋하다

예문) I've had it with this apartment.

 아파트가 이제 지겨워

예문) I'm fed up [I've had it] with your arrogance.

너의 오만함에 넌더리가 난다

예문) Our friendship is over; I've had it with her behavior.

우리의 우정은 끝났다. 나는 그녀의 행동에 싫증이 났다.


- Stanford : You won’t believe what happened to me last week.

내가 지난주에 

어떤 일을 당했는지 알아?


- Carrie (Narration) : Evidently Stanford, tired of bars and blind dates....

게이 바와 

소개팅에 지친 스탠퍼드는

decided to place a personal ad...

구인광고를 내기로 결심했다

**evidently : 
1. 분명히, 눈에 띄게

예문) She walked slowly down the road, evidently in pain.

그녀는 눈에 띄게 고통스러워하며 도로를 천천히 걸어 내려갔다.

예문) ‘I’m afraid I couldn’t finish the work last night.’ ‘Evidently not.’

‘ (유감스럽게도) 간밤에  일을  끝냈어요.’ ‘분명히 그런  같군.’

2. 듣기로는, 듣자 하니 = apparently

예문) Evidently, she had nothing to do with the whole affair.

듣자 하니, 그녀는  모든 일과 아무런 관련이 없었다.


**place an ad : (~) 광고를 내다

예문) Do you think it is effective to place an ad in the paper?

신문에 광고를 내는 것이 효과적이라고 생각합니까?


- Carrie (Narration) : He scheduled a rendezvous with the only respondent on a cold, Sunday afternoon.

  명이 연락을 했고

추운 일요일 오후에 만나기로 했다

**rendezvous : 
1. 만날 약속, 만남 
2. (누구와) 만나기로  장소 
3. (사람들에게 인기 있는 , 카페 같은) 만남의 장소

예문) a lively Paris rendezvous 

파리에 있는 활기 넘치는 만남의 장소

4. (미리 약속 시간과 장소를 정해서) 만나다


- Carrie (Narration) : Twenty minutes and three false alarms later,

he was ready to call it quits.

20분을 기다리고 3 허탕을  

**false alarm : (위험이 발생했다는, 또는 발생할 거라는) 거짓[허위] 경보[신고]

예문) The fire service was called out but it was a false alarm.

소방서에서 출동했으나 그것은 거짓 신고였다.

**call it quits : 무승부 처리하다, 비긴 것으로 하다(서로 공평해졌다고 말하다) ; 그만두기로 하다

예문) The workers decided to call it quits for the day.

일꾼들은 하루 일과를 끝내기로 결정했다.

예문) It's already 7 p.m. Let's call it quits.

벌써 일곱 시다. 비긴 걸로 하자.


- Stanford : Even guys like me don’t want guys like me.

나처럼 생긴 남자조차  싫어해

I just don’t have that gay look.

내가 게이처럼  생겼나 


- Carrie : I don’t know.

You look pretty gay to me.

내가 보기엔 게이 같은데


Come on, maybe it’s just a phase.

-일시적인 일이야

**it’s just a phase. : 일시적인 일이야.

예문) I hope it's just a phase he's going through.


- Stanford : Puberty is a phase.

사춘기가 일시적인 일이지

Fifteen years of rejection is a lifestyle.

15년이나 거절당하면 인생이야

**puberty : U 사춘기

예시) to reach puberty 

사춘기가 되다


- Carrie : Maybe you should propose to me,

and we’ll all live happily ever after.

네가 나한테 청혼해라

우린 행복하게   거야

**happily ever after : 평생 행복하게

[Adverb] (idiomatic, often preceded by "to live") happily until one's death (typically used in fairy tales)


- Stanford : You really do want it all.

 정말 욕심도 많다

- Carrie : I don’t know. Maybe nobody gets it all.

글쎄, 모든  가질  없겠지


- Stanford : Though, you do have a point.

하지만  말도 일리가 있어


We’re best friends.

We make each other laugh.

우린 단짝 친구고

서로를 웃게 만들어


- Carrie : We both sleep with men.

그리고   남자랑 자지

- Stanford : This is not a bad idea at all.

괜찮은 생각이야


- Carrie : Actually, I was kidding.

사실 농담한 거야

- Stanford : I’m not! think about it.

아니야, 생각해봐


Who else would keep you in expensive shoes and encourage you to cheat?

누가  신발값 대주고

바람피우게 놔두겠어?


- Carrie : Now you’re talking!

정말 그러네

now you’re talking! : 바로 그거야(남의 제안이 아주 마음에   하는 )


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