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미드 속 표현 - <sex and the city>_8화(1) "그 둘은 눈이 맞았어" 표현 배우기!

영어학습 함께해요!/미드로 영어공부

by joyechoi 2020. 7. 30. 20:28


표현 1) 샬롯(Charlotte)은 자선 파티에서 잭(Jack)이라는 남자와 눈이 맞는다. 

 -> 우리나라 표현 '눈이 맞다', 미국에선 어떤 표현을 사용할까?  


Charlotte and Jack locked eyes at a black-tie benefit for Epstein-Barr.

샬롯과 잭은  환자 자선 파티에서 눈이 맞았다


**locked eyes : 눈이 맞다

**black-tie : 예장을 요하는

 1. 형용사 A black tie event is a formal social event such as a party at which

people wear formal clothes called evening dress.

 2. 명사 If a man is dressed in black tie, he is wearing formal evening dress,

which includes a dinner jacket or tuxedo and a bow tie.


예문) Monday’s reception for the chairman is a black-tie event.  

월요일에 있을 회장 환영회는 정장 차림의 행사입니다.


예문) It’s black tie, but I never feel comfortable in these things.

공식적인 자리라서요, 그런데 이런 것들을 입으면 아주 불편해요.


**benefit : C (모금을 위한) 자선 행사


She chased him through every disease in New York.

샬롯은 그를 쫓아 뉴욕의 모든 병을 찾아갔다




표현 2) 한눈에 서로 반한 샬롯과 잭

 -> '갑자기 질문을 하다' ask동사 말고 원어민은 어떻게 표현할까? 


Jack was perfect for her.

잭은 완벽했다


Architect, philanthropist, and the sex was amazing.

건축가이며 자선가였고 관계도 잘했다 


**philanthropist : 자선가 -> philanthropy : 자선 활동


예문) I consider an infracaninophile as a philanthropist.

약자를 지지하는 사람(약자의 지지자, 옹호자) 박애주의자라고 생각해.

예문) Later in his life, he became a respected philanthropist.

 , 그는 존경을 받는 자선가가 되었다.


Late one night, Jack popped the inevitable question.

어느 날 잭이 피해 갈 없는 질문을 했다


**pop : 갑자기 말을 꺼내다(신청하다) (at)

-> pop a question at a person : ~에게 갑자기 질문을 하다


예문) How did you pop the question?

당신은 어떻게 청혼했죠?




표현 3) 샬롯에게 잠자리 판타지에 대해 물어보는 잭 

 -> 비행기에서 한다고? 샬롯에게 비행기에서 겪은 일은 가방을 몽땅 잃어버린 일뿐이라고..!


The closest Charlotte had ever come to getting screwed on a plane...

샬롯은 비행기 안에서 당하는  하면

was the time she lost all her luggage on a flight to Palm Beach.

짐을 잃어버렸던  떠오른다


**come to sth : (특히 좋지 않은 상황이) 되다 / (총계가) ~ 되다


예문) I never expected those few items to come to so much.

나는 그 몇 가지 안 되는 물품이 (값이) 그렇게 많이 나오리라고는 전혀 예상치 못했다.


예문) Who’d have thought things would come to this?

사정이 이렇게까지 되리라고 누가 생각이나 했겠어?




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